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Food & Allergies Diary: Diary to Track Your Triggers and Symptoms: Discover Your Food Intolerances and Allergies.

Food & Allergies Diary: Diary to Track Your Triggers and Symptoms: Discover Your Food Intolerances and Allergies.

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Publication Date: December 9th, 2019
Independently Published


This diary will help you to figure out which foods trigger your allergy symptoms. An allergic reaction can happen almost immediately after eating, or it could happen hours later.Mild symptoms can be hard to tie to specific foods.

The best thing to do is to keep track of your eating patterns and your symptoms by using this food diary. All you have to do is record what you eat and when you get allergy symptoms. When you have done this for some time you can look for patterns.

Use this food diary to record what you eat each day and when you eat it. Don t forget to include snacks and drinks. Record any allergy symptoms like itching, wheezing, or tummy troubles. Note what time the symptoms begin and how long they last. You can share the results of your diary with your doctor or dietitian who can help you to figure out what is causing your allergies.

This journal is a 50 days diary and includes:

  • each day spread over 2 pages
  • recording your eating patterns; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
  • tracking of your physical symptoms and allergy triggers
  • monitoring your bowel movements, sleep patterns, energy levels and other symptoms
  • plenty of space for your notes and writing down additional information
  • Summary tables; overview of all your symptoms and triggers

This food diary will be a great source of information for yourself and also your doctor or dietitian, who can go through what you recorded in detail.